Late Summer Salad

It is mid September here in Colorado.  We had some really cold weather last week, so cold I had to cover up my garden goodies two nights in a row.  But this week it has been in the low 80’s and I am finding a few gems out in my backyard garden.

Finding gems.

Late summer is a time for that.  I may think my pole beans are done, but I find a few more on the vine.  And then I peek close to the ground and see a few last cucumbers.  That one more ripe tomato makes me scream with delight.  Am I being melodramatic? Yes, I am and I don’t care.  A garden is worthy of drama.

If you are a gardener,



Nasturtiums are a gardener’s dream.  They are virtually carefree once established.  I was introduced to this beauty by my friend Nancy.  The summer of 2007, while a summer of grief over the loss of my sister Leslie to suicide, was also a summer of discovery love of this cheerful plant.  If you are in grief, there will be new joys that come along. The garden reminds me of this truth and gives me hope.

The funniest thing about the nasturtium is that it likes old soil.  It doesn’t do well in soil that has been amended with lots of nutrients and fertilizers.  Best thing to do is to use soil that you’ve had in another pot for years and stick some seeds in that.  Yes, seeds.  I wouldn’t recommend transplanting nasturtiums.  Instead I recommend getting your pots filled with other annuals flowers and your beds all planted and then go around and stick nasturtium seeds in empty spots.

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