2015 Gardening Resolutions

I have poked around and read some 2015 gardening resolutions made by other gardeners. I must admit that I get a bit intimidated by some of their lists. And well, that is just dumb.  To combat this silly tendency of mine, I decided to make my own list. I suppose I could have not made one, but in all honestly I already have a list in my mind. And you know what, my own list is intimidating me! So I decided to remake that “in my head” list and come up with this one instead. I think it is fun, a tad quirky and encourages me to hope. Take that you bossy gardener in my head!

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New Year's Gardening Resolutions (Fun, Quirky and Hopeful)
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Laura Flanders

New Year's Gardening Resolutions (Fun, Quirky and Hopeful)

So many gardeners are sharing their new year's resolutions. I didn't want to miss out on the fun so here is my list! Enjoy!

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  1. 1  Don't cross out the "im" in imperfect. Embrace my gardening limitations.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  2. 2  Remember what it feels like to NOT have room to grow and hope this helps me not overcrowd my plants.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  3. 3  Don’t buy more plants than I really need. Bwahahhah! Yeah right.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  4. 4  Don’t swear at the squirrels when they destroy my pumpkins or squash. (Or wash my mouth out with soap when I do.)

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  5. 5  Spend more time in the garden and less time actually gardening. (Purchase a blindfold first.)

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  6. 6  Talk more to my plants. Care less about what the neighbors think when I do.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  7. 7  Pick more of my flowers for vases inside. Give more away to friends. Spread more hope.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  8. 8  As soon as the dog does it's duty, do my dog doo duty. (Yep. Nope. I'll step in it.)

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  9. 9  Have more picnics in the backyard with one or two friends.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>
  10. 10  Strengthen and grow a community of gardeners by sharing my seedlings, dividing my plants and sharing my rooted hope.

    = e.width){e.setAttribute("data-vertical", "true")}})(this);" onerror="(function(e){e.setAttribute("src", "https://media-cdn.list.ly/missing-image.png");})(this);"/>

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

  • Priscilla

    I’m up for #9whenever you’re ready.

    • laura

      I’ll do #8 before we do #9! hahah!